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4 Oct 2023

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New Research Technique Highlights Africa's Technological Progress

IDCA Research's Digital Readiness Index of Nations was introduced early in 2023. It is put together with techniques that differ from traditional methods, which typically show wealthy nations at the top of every ranking and developing nations at the bottom.

Instead, our approach uniquely enables a fresh, new look at developing nations. It presents a fairminded view of a nation's current situation and its prospects, and therefore presents the digital progress of African nations in a revolutionary way. The IDCA Research approach is relative, rather than absolute, meaning that progress within a nation is measured within the context of that nation's existing economic resources and social conditions.

Quantifiable, verifiable change is the essence of progress, and the Digital Readiness Index quantifies technological change and socioeconomic progress for 147 nations, including 38 nations in Africa. Digital Readiness, built on a foundation of Digital Infrastructure, leads to the creation of modern Digital Economies.

Africa Among the Leaders
Scores in the Digital Readiness Index can be expressed on a scale of 0-100 overall, as well as in four specific categories: Economy, Environment, Social, and Governance. This analysis adds an extra “E” (for Economy) to the idea of viewing nations through an ESG lens. The approach taken in this Index yields results that may seem surprising.

Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Kenya, for example, emerge with the highest overall scores, in the high 50s and low 60s, well above the world average. Furthermore, each of these countries ranks higher than many European nations and have rankings comparable to that of the United States, as many developing nations throughout the world, including in Africa, are showing relatively stronger progress than many developed nations.

This finding is based in large degree to the major developed nations almost uniformly facing enormous environmental challenges from their massive carbon footprints. African nations, on the other hand, with a few exceptions, often show leadership in sustainability and are also primed for substantial socioeconomic development that can be accomplished with new resources of sustainable energy.

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