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27 Sep 2022

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The United Kingdom Exhibits Military Drones Equipped with Triple Brimstone Missile Launchers

During a recent defense exhibition in Munich, a single T-650 drone was modified with a rocket launcher with three Brimstone missiles. The Prototype was made from the original universal carrier drone platform from BAE Systems, but the model was upgraded to become a flying missile launcher.

Unofficial information says that this launcher is easily used by any flight or stationary platform and could be used in Ukraine's fight against Russian aggression. Additionally, Ukraine's armed forces are also using Brimstone missiles.

Brimstone is a ground-to-ground missile launched by either an aircraft or a soldier, and it was developed in the United Kingdom. It was released in 2005.

Considering its supersonic speeds of Mach 1.3 and maximum operating range of more than 60 kilometers (37 miles), the weapon has truly become formidable in recent years.

Originally, this missile had an automated navigation system that provided a 'fire and forget capability. However, later updates added laser guidance and the ability to differentiate targets based on priority and minimize collateral damage.

These features make Brimstone one of the highest-priority weapons in the British Army. In April 2022, the same missiles were supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

As a result, Britain is seeking to improve Brimstone's versatility by expanding its range of missile launcher-capable platforms.

According to experts, Ukrainian specialists have recently mastered different ways of integrating modern Western munitions into incompatible Soviet-era vehicles. This can be attributed to their recent military experience. The BAE T-650 Drone system is an unmanned system that is versatile, with a payload of 300 kg.

A single Brimstone weighs 50 kilograms (110 pounds), meaning it would be an easy task for this drone to carry three Brimstones. At T-650's maximum speed, which is 140 kilometers per hour (87 miles per hour), the drone can travel up to 18.6 miles, carrying up to eight kilograms of gear.

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