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13 Dec 2022

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Twitter Renegotiate Deals with Oracle and Amazon

Two of Twitter's biggest data partners, Oracle and Amazon Web Services, have reached deals with the popular social media platform that will see both companies providing more robust data and analytics tools to millions of users.

The agreements are significant because they are intended to help Twitter break out of its reputation as an information-broadcasting company into one that provides services to advertisers and businesses as well as individual users.

According to a statement published by the New York Times, Steve Davis, the president of the Elon Musk-owned Boring Company, claims to have directed remaining Twitter staff to bargain for better deals.

As a term of the negotiation, the employees were asked to submit resignation letters to signal that Elon Musk would no longer work with the company.

The two companies in 2020 extended their partnership to support Twitter's real-time service, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) supporting Twitter's computing, content delivery services, and database.

After paying $44 billion for Twitter and giving it billions of dollars of debt, Musk is attempting to make the site much more affordable.

To achieve his plan of laying off thousands of workers, he fired over half of the company and then drove the rest to resign by driving away their enthusiasm.

He is thinking of saving on costs by decreasing the number of Google Cloud servers at Twitter data centers and may completely shutter its Sacramento data center. Among other things, he refused to pay travel agents and other vendors for already completed work.

Following the Renegotiate Deals, which are expected to close later this year, Oracle and AWS will license certain intellectual property from Twitter to provide cloud services, including data hosting, storage, security, and social integration across all major enterprise software suites, including Oracle Database, Fusion Applications, and Essbase.

Also read: According to a Report, Twitter Employees Will Continue to Receive Stock Compensation Under Musk

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