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5 Dec 2022
IDCA Releases The Global Index of Digital Readiness of Nations
Washington D.C., Dec. 5th, 2022 – The International Data Center Authority (IDCA) announces its publication of a major new research index that models and ranks over 140 nations. The report integrates national economic conditions with key factors determining the eco-sustainability in time of climate change, societal conditions, and governance commitments toward transformational development in the global digital economy era.
IDCA’s founding Chairman and CEO Mehdi Paryavi says that “the EESG™ Digital Readiness of Nations Index is a major step towards fulfilling IDCA’s promise to bring global coherence and understanding on the virtues of the digital economy, digital transformation by providing actual subtense and hard evidence on where every nation on earth sits today in terms of their digital readiness.” Paryavi continued, “this is a significant milestone in developing an all-inclusive source for knowledge-share and holistic viewing of key KPI’s, to address the key questions of key stakeholders on both public and private sectors.”
IDCA’s announcement comes upon the launch of the world’s first comprehensive and all-inclusive digital readiness index of nations. In a criticaltime for addressing climate change, a major new research index and report series from IDCA SmartNations – several years in the making – provides unique insights and perspectives on all countries based on balancing factors. The EESG™ Digital Readiness of Nations Index will be available upon order on January 1.
The intent of the global index is to demonstrate, in data indices and analysis, mitigating, abating, and adapting to the eco-environmental aspects of climate change must be balanced with societal characteristics as well as government policies and programs.
IDCA's New Research Report measures 140-plus Nations for Their Digital Readiness for Economic and ESG Transformation.
The “EESG™ Digital Readiness of Nations Index” is designed to provide investors, lenders, grant-givers, developers as well as economic development agencies, trade missions, and embassies with a new and all-inclusive fresh perspective.
The full Index and accompanying reports will be available on January 1, 2023. A no-cost introductory white paper will be published this month that gives an overview of the Index and its reports.
The first foundational report will be an Executive Overview which will include the rankings of all nations covered in the report, identifying overall leaders and leaders by nominal income tiers. This summary report provides a detailed examination of the research methodology. Detailed single- and multi-country and regional comparative analysis reports are also available upon order.
Who conceived this approach?
The EESG™ Digital Readiness was developed and led by Roger Strukhoff, IDCA’s Global Head of Research. On the occasion of the release, Strukhoff stated, “the concept of using ESG to evaluate whole countries, not just corporate institutions, is a novel idea. This index adds the critical factor of national economies to the critical topic of measuring a nation's commitment to ESG principles, particularly in the hour of Industry 4.0 across all sectors globally.”
“The intention is to thus deliver a clear analytic snapshot of where nations stand and the paths necessary to take in order to rapidly improve their economies, their eco-sustainability, the lives of their people, and validating of their ESG-related governance policies and programs as the global digital transformation of all sectors continues to accelerate."
David Hamner, Chief Growth Officer stated, “We see this as a critical “must-have” starting point for its digital infrastructure road mapping advisory and master planning work on behalf of private sector corporations and public sector and NGO institutions."
While the EESG Digital Readiness Index integrates publicly available data in each of the four areas: economies, environment (inclusive of eco-sustainability, societal and governmental in its approach. Sources include such trusted entities as the United Nations, International Telecommunications Union, World Bank, IMF, Transparency International, EC's EDGAR database, US Energy Information Administration, and others.
"As could be expected, Scandinavian countries are found ranking among this reports leaders,” says Strukhoff. “However our approach accounts for a nation's relative present, existing economic conditions, not just its absolute wealth, we then integrate all of ESG factors, in accordance to their interrelated effect on one another, rather than following the simple, traditional weighting found in most reports."
"The results thus show varied, less highly developed nations such as Uruguay and Costa Rica, the nation of Georgia, and Rwanda among the leaders, too,” Strukhoff added. “The rankings also show the less-than-stellar rankings and enormous challenges facing the world's largest economies, the United States, China, and India among them.”
E-ESG Report is Must-Have Information
The breakthrough research index blends dynamic factors to provide unique insight into any country’s current standing on its digital-first readiness for
economy, environment, society, and governance.
"Digital Transformation represents the heart and soul of improving the economies of nations and the lives of people,” said Paryavi. “Modern and evolving digital coupled with dynamic and progressive policies and governance are the foundation of Digital Transformation.”
Strukhoff stated, “The path forward for all nations, regardless of their location or size of their economy, will be guided by Digital Infrastructure and Digital Transformation. This report shows where more than 140 nations currently stand, what specific challenges they face, and lays the groundwork for that path forward. ”
“We see this research and report as essential, must-have information,” stated Bruce A. Taylor, Chief Media Officer of IDCA. “It will be invaluable for any group involved in Digital Transformation: government agencies, NGOs, multinational enterprises, and global investors looking at their existing markets as well as new areas of opportunity.”
For information on how to order the report, please visit:
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