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15 Sep 2022

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Bruce Armstrong Taylor Founder of SmartNations Joins IDCA

Washington D.C., September 14th, 2022: International Data Center Authority (IDCA) today announced that Mr. Bruce Armstrong Taylor the Founder of SmartNations, former Executive Vice President of 451 and Uptime Institute, Executive Vice President of DataCenterDynamics, and Chief Storytelling Officer of Climate 4.0, has joined the IDCA as a member of the board of directors and the Chief Media Officer (CMO).

On the occasion of his joining the IDCA, Mr. Taylor stated, “After my long association with Uptime Institute and 451Research followed by DataCenterDynamics, SmartNationsFoundation was to be my way of "paying forward for good." Now I really get to do it! We are global scale... This is a career-capper for me, if ever! And I get to slip on my village-elder and fire-circle story-teller garb with great pleasure!”

Chief Communications Officer, G.H. stated, “Bruce is a true veteran of our industry and one of the sharpest and most enthusiastic professionals in the space. His mission in life and drive are simply well-aligned with IDCA initiative. We are excited and looking forward to working at scale.”

Mehdi Paryavi, Chairman of IDCA stated, “Bruce is one of those rare individuals that you would want to get the opportunity to sit in front of and have strategic and highly technical conversations, to brainstorm with and exchange ideas with. Bright ideas and innovative brainstorming and effective and strategic execution of such is what IDCA is all about and Bruce is here to help us drive it all even further.”

Bruce A. Taylor is a strategic advisor to the global data center industry. Prior to joining IDCA he held a long career in science and technology media practitioner, senior executive, and an entrepreneurial founder of successful specialized media businesses. Bruce A. Taylor was a principal and vice president of the legendary iconic global authority, the Uptime Institute, best known as the promulgator of the engineering standards, known as the Tier Classification system by which data centers globally are certified for 7×24 uptime availability, reliability, resiliency and operational capability. In 2009, he initiated the divestiture of the Uptime Institute to 451 Research, where he served as vice president until 2013. He then joined the London-headquartered leading global data center media and conference business, Datacenter Dynamics (DCD), as executive vice president of North America and host chair of the conferences. In this role, he was responsible for DCD’s strategic content guidance. In 2018, he founded SmartNations Foundation on an ESG mission to help empower the sustainability merits of digital economies. In 2022, SmartNations joins the IDCA’s mission global digital economy mission.

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