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30 Jun 2022

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Australia builds off-grid power generation and storage systems for use in remote digital infrastructures

Connectivity and power infrastructure are major problems for large countries as they develop their digital economies. Satellite communication can often provide connectivity in remote areas, but the cost of getting enough power across long distances is high.

The Australian government has adopted an interesting solution to this problem. Western Australia intends to build at least a thousand power generation and storage systems. These standalone power systems are solar-powered and equipped with batteries to provide communities and customers with resilient electricity supply.

Customers can use on-site generated power and typically experience fewer outages - up to 90% fewer - with standalone power systems. The sites are built by Western Power, which is a government-owned energy company. Furthermore, solar power is a sustainable energy source, as it does not require coal or gas to generate power. Even so, the stand-alone power systems will have generators, but only for backup purposes.

The systems will be built by Boundary Systems, which sells systems with solar arrays of 7.92kW with 6kW solar inverters, coupled with a 16kW battery inverter and 16.8kWh battery capacity, up to 31.68kW solar arrays with 24kW solar inverters and 67.2kWh battery storage on the 25kVA systems.

The rollout will begin with 180 installations, which will cost A$37 million (US$25 million).

Photo credit: Henrique Félix

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