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21 Mar 2023

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In the Metaverse, Will You Own Your Own Avatar?

SANTA FE – Wouldn’t it be terrific if my avatar belonged only to me, my private property, portable, transportable and interoperable across all multiplatforms? And had its own tokens in its wallet to spend, trade or invest?

But in the metaverse, will my avatar belong only to me – just younger and better looking, perhaps? Will #blockchain protect our avatars, even as AI eyes follow us all of us everywhere all the time, through every fake 3D step in the metaverse we take? Can you imagine what could be machine-learned about us from our patterns we take through the metaverse? (And, silly us, we were worried what predictive scatter patterns would emerge from our i-Phone location use.)

Will you be required to have a private avatar for every exaverse (meta-, omni-, you pick…) in which you live, work and play? OpenMetaverse Foundation, here we come!

And what about insurance? Can my portable avatar’s life be insured, for health, safety and cybersecurity?

Or, if my avatar was hugely successful in one game-verse, will I be able to sell Fake Me on an NFT exchange? Can I buy someone else’s avatar?

Will corporations or government agencies own the avatars of their employees?

Will a consultant or trusted managed services provider (in the case of a AR digital-twin metaverse of a cloud or colocation data center) have an avatar “issued” to them?

In the Industrial Metaverse, will your corporate avatar be tending to the needs of electromechanical ML-driven robots?

Here’s my real point to all of this, oblique as it may be: Despite an anticipated global economic slowdown, will the steep growth curve of development of metaverse continue? Despite Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta's mid-year pull-back in 2022?

My personal theory is that Zuck, et al, discovered that the hyperscale cloud digital infrastructure that Facebook had (and in large measure, pioneered) was simply inadequate as a design for the future of Meta.That’s why he halted the standup of several planned new hyperscale facilities.

These powerful HPC clusters Meta was developing to crank its AI machinery simply would swallow all power (and cooling) capacity in their standard campus and availability-zone service outage disruption, business continuity, and disaster recovery architecture. From a digital infrastructure perspective, it may well be the metaverse industry sector may believe they really are ill-suited to be in the fast transvolving nature of very expensive cloud data center real estate. Why not leave that part to others better tuned to the very different capital markets structure of software vs CRE?

Further, slowing economic growth, if we get it, ought to slow cloud data and internet traffic growth, right? And that should lead to a slowing down of the demand for new edge-to-cloud data center builds and the full digital infrastructure value chain to match what appears to be a flattening growth curve, right? Capacity demand slowing should impede new next-gen builds, right? Or not?

Generally, whether you prefer multi-, meta-, omni- (or whichever exaxverse suits you), all are driving fast toward what I am going to call the Zettabyte (ZB) multiverseera. Soon enough, it will become the Yottabyte (YB) Era. (1YB = 1,000ZB.)

Why? Because the technologies that foundationally make up the age of the Web3 at will eat, digest, store and exercise, over the internet… and then re-swallow and re-use, as “exhaust” data at projected to 180ZB of annual data by 2025 -- well on our way to my Yottaverseland.

Stay tuned to this channel for Part 2 of this series the technology sets and combinations that foundationally contribute to the making of the metaverse across all digital-first economy sectors.

End Part 1.

Part 2 coming real soon now - What Technology Sets and Combinations Make Up the Metaverse?

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