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9 Feb 2023

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Intel Has a Generative AI Vision, Too

Intel has felt the need to respond to all the dust being kicked up throughout the tech world and beyond with the generative AI platforms ChatGPT and Google Bard. In a recent blogpost, Ilke Demir, a senior staff research scientist in Intel Labs, writes, “Generative AI is not new. It’s the tech that created voice assistants, infinitely evolving games, and chatbots...(yet) In the past few years, generative AI has become more powerful – and therefore more capable of doing problematic things in a more convincing and realistic manner.”

She goes on to outline Intel's view of generative AI and concerns that have already been expressed about it:

“For example, generative models for deepfakes aim to impersonate people. We defend against this in two ways. The first is with our deepfake detection algorithms integrated into our real-time platform. FakeCatcher, the core of the system, can detect fake videos with a 96% accuracy rate, enabling users to distinguish between real and fake content in real time. The second is through our responsible generators, one of which makes human puzzles. As opposed to creating images by training on real people’s faces, this generator mixes and matches regions (nose of person A, mouth of person B, eyes of person C, etc.) to create an entirely new face that does not already exist in a data set.

“We believe that AI should not only prevent harm but also enhance lives. To fulfill this vision, the team’s speech synthesis project aims to enable people who have lost their voices to talk again. This technology is used in Intel’s I Will Always Be Me digital storybook project in partnership with Dell Technologies, Rolls-Royce and the Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Association. The interactive website allows anyone diagnosed with MND or any disease expected to affect their speaking ability to record their voice to be used on an assistive speech device.

“Finally, the Trusted Media research team is also working on using generative AI to make 3D experiences more realistic. For example, Intel’s CARLA is an open source urban driving simulator developed to support the development, training and validation of autonomous driving systems. Using generative AI, the scenes surrounding the driver would look more realistic and natural. Intel’s generative AI approaches also simplify 3D creation and rendering workflows, saving hours for 3D artists and making games run much more quickly.”

Intel, according to Demir, “(believes” it is critical that humans remain at the center of this work. Responsible AI begins with the design and development of systems, not with cleaning up after they are deployed. Our goal is to support all AI models, including generative AI, with responsible perspectives and principles. Ensuring a human perspective is present at all phases of development allows this technology to be more applicable, collaborative and less harmful.”

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