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25 Jul 2022

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Israel to build a quantum computer based on an open architecture

To boast its digital infrastructure and using Dutch and UK technology, Quantum Machines (QM) leads the establishment of the Israel Quantum Computing Center. This $29 million, three-year project is part of the $390 million Israel National Quantum Initiative (INQI) to build Israel's first fully functional quantum computer.

QuantWare of the Netherlands will supply superconducting Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) to the consortium. The Dutch startup was the first to ship commercial quantum processors. A scalable quantum photonics computing system will also be used by the Israeli group, as well as a cold atoms based quantum computing system from ColdQuanta in Boulder, Colorado.

In addition to leading the development of quantum applications for the government sector, defense company Elbit Systems will be a member of the advisory board of the center. ParTec will provide a High-Performance Computing platform and provide services for the integration of HPC and quantum computing, while Classiq and will provide software capabilities, including quantum software development tools and benchmarking software for all of the centre’s platforms.

The Quantum Orchestration Platform developed by Quantum Machines will provide the flexibility, extensibility, and scalability for the INQI quantum computer. Through a component-based approach, parts of the system can be upgraded to future quantum technologies using a variety of qubit technologies.

Photo credit: FLY:D

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