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28 Jul 2022

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Singapore asks industry to submit green data center plans

In Singapore the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) have launched a plan to allow new, sustainable data centers. The plan involves a pilot Data Centre (DC) – Call for Application Exercise (DC-CFA). As part of this plan, Singapore is now asking the data center industry to make proposals for building green data centers.

As their digital economy grows and flourishes, more and more countries are realizing that data centers are a key building block. However data centers also consume valuable resources: electricity, land, and water. Local communities often disagree with authorities that allow for the building of data center facilities in their area. This is because of fears that scare land and water will be used by the facility instead of often much needed agriculture or housing projects. In many cases electricity is in short supply as well, especially electricity generated from renewable sources.

The Singapore government recognized these factors and put a moratorium on the growth of data centers in 2019. The data center sector, industrial customers, and sustainability solution providers have been extensively consulted by EDB and IMDA since then. Based on these consultations, new data center capacity parameters have been determined.

EDB and IMDA plan to leverage the industry's expertise and capabilities to push the technological envelope in these areas. This will level up the sector baseline, and expand data center capacity to support the digital economy. The DC-CFA exercise is being conducted as a pilot, so the industry can submit innovative proposals that meet the desired outcomes. DC-CFA's pilot application will close in November.

Photo credit: Swapnil Bapat

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