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28 Nov 2022

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Under Italian Law, the Prohibition on Facial Recognition Tech Applies to All but Law Enforcement Agencies

Italian citizens are now protected from facial recognition in public and private spaces. However, this measure does not apply to law enforcement for security purposes and to maintain public order.

This means that police officers can use the technology in their day-to-day work – such as identifying suspects or missing people. It also means they can monitor areas where they believe crime is likely to happen.

The new legislation on facial recognition is likely to provide a better balance between privacy rights and security needs.

Two municipalities - the southern Italian city of Lecce and the Tuscan city of Arezzo - were ordered to halt their biometrics experiments by the country's Data Protection Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei dati personali) on Monday.

Until a specific law governing their use is enacted, the law agency has forbidden facial recognition systems from employing biometric data.

According to the agency in a statement, "The moratorium arises from the need to regulate eligibility requirements, conditions, and guarantees relating to facial recognition, in compliance with the principle of proportionality,"

On the other hand, exceptions were granted for the biometric technology used to fight crime or in a judicial investigation.

When Lecce, Italy's municipal authorities, began to employ facial recognition systems, the Italian Data Protection Agency demanded an explanation of what kind of software they would use, the data's intended purpose, and its legal foundation.

Concerning the Arretium case, the police of that city would receive state-of-the-art infrared smart glasses capable of recognizing license plates.

The proposal must pass consultations within the EU before it becomes law. However, at this time of this writing, facial recognition technology is at the center of the European Union's proposed AI regulation.

Also, Read Omniverse Lets You Create Digital Copies of Your Company's Data Center.

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