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10 May 2023

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Worldwide Web Pioneer Akamai Still Has Momentum

For anyone interested in whatever happened Akamai, its most recent results show it to have annual revenue of about $3.7 billion, with a recent profitable quarter and a market capitalization of about $12 billion.

The company was a pioneer when founded in the 1990s by a group of people including 9/11 victim Daniel Lewin and current CEO Tom Leighton. In its early days, the company was known for its ability to speed up website performance while also protecting sites from DDoS and other cyberattacks.

Akamai was also one of the better original sources to provide average Internet speeds throughout the world. Its State of the Internet reports remain highly informative and authoritative.

Today, Akamai exists as a content distribution network (CDN) and cloud provider, albeit with very small market shares. Cloudflare has emerged as the CDN market leader, with more than 10X the customer base of Akamai, which hold an 8.6% market share. In public cloud computing, Akamai appears to have less than 1% of a market that has reached $63 billion per quarter.

Akamai remains headquartered in Cambridge, MA and is believed to have close to 10,000 employees at the moment. There's momentum left in a company that can now be viewed as an old chestnut in the what's-new-what's-new-what's-new innovation crucible of the Worldwide Web.

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