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8 Dec 2022

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Despite Accusations from Sony, Elon Musk Hired PlayStation 3 Hacker to Fix Twitter

George Hotz

The hacker George Hotz is best known for hacking the PlayStation 3 and jailbreaking the iPhone's carrier lock. Elon Musk has put himself up against his greatest technical challenge, saying: We're going to fix Twitter in three months, but not all of it. His job is to fix Twitter's broken search function.

In the past, Musk tried to hire Hotz for Tesla, but they had a falling out over terms of employment. Hotz later founded Comma AI, which developed software that rivaled Tesla's autopilot system.

Shortly afterward, Musk argued that only an automaker - not a tiny company like Comma.AI, which has less engineering capability - can produce software that can be used on public roads. It seems Musk has changed his mind since then.

While he had previously doubted an upstart like Hotz could unseat a giant like Tesla, he's now asked Hotz to fix something that should probably require an entire engineering department.

After Hotz praised Musk for letting go of anyone who didn't want to work at a "hardcore" Twitter, the drama started. Hotz responded to a Twitter user who noted that he advocated for indentured servitude by voluntarily indenturing himself for nothing but the cost of living expenses in San Francisco.

Elon Musk contacted George Hotz because he was interested in the cheapest engineering help he could get; he might as well inquire about how to maximize productivity by delegating specific tasks.

Hotz's 12 weeks on Twitter will be full of significant changes, including getting rid of Twitter's login popup that appears when you scroll too far. Hotz aims to improve search results' relevancy regardless of whether he succeeds. So far, the hacker has proven to be the biggest sucker in the tech industry.

Several people have pointed out it's not a good look for one of the major tech companies in Silicon Valley to seek volunteers, especially when numerous fired full-time employees may have been willing to work for the volunteer rate, considering Musk's questionable tactics in firing Tesla engineers.

Also read: In Response to Users Impersonating People and Brands on Twitter; the Company Paused Paid Verifications.

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